One from Prince Edward Island the other from Vancouver... they were some how destined to meet in the middle of the country, Winnepeg. Rachel is a friend from the college and Studio One days who I secretly/not so secretly looked up to because she was sooo full of energy, spice, CONFIDENCE, and had the coolest high heels in town. When I finally met Matt I could instantly tell that he was the pea to her pod. I'm not even kidding these two have chemistry and just seeing the way Matt adores Rachel touches my heart and gives me a smile almost as big as hers.
After trying for months to schedule an engagement shoot with these two it finally happened in good ol' Grand Forks, ND. The roads were slick and it was freezing eh! It must've been their northern blood that let them brave the cold and run outside in tights and heels.
I wish I could fast forward to their wedding on P.E.I. this summer. It's going to be so amazing, full of looooooove, really hot, and I will most likely cry like a newborn baby.