I'm back in Stavanger after a week long vacation with my most favorite people evaaaar! My twin seeester, her hubby and my hubby! We did all the touristy stuff then took the train to Oslo to see more touristy stuff and visit my cool friends. Then darkness covered me and I was struck down with sickness (Kelly my twin totally passed it on to all of us. ;) Anyways, i'm recovered and I even got to shoot a couple family sessions while I was in the big bad city of Oslo. IT WAS SO FUN!
1. I'm back in the office/my kitchen table.
2. I'm not back for long.
3. If you're looking to book me in Norway give me a shout out SOON!
4. I'll give you the update on my summer schedule in another post just to keep things interesting. ;)
Takk for det.