Being away from friends and family is one of the hardest aspects of living across the world. Being a twin, many people always ask that same question "What's it like being a twin?" I usually answer with something like, "I don't know anything different." Well, now I suppose that's not exactly true. I've been 'separated' from Kelly for over 3 years now. She moved across the USA multiple times to be with her most amazing hunk of a stud muffin, Ryan. :) He now claims to speak twin...although the jury is still out. Yes, it's true that I really feel part of me is missing. Though I can't really put a finger on it, I definitely feel it when Kel and I are together again. I spose I smile more, laugh more, relax and enjoy life a little more when I'm with my twin sister.
So, when Kelly and Ryan came to visit me in Norway it was soooo nice to hang out and finally show her what my life has been like way over here in Norway the last couple years. Yep, frolicking on a beach with our coats on. ;) We literally jumped for joy. All of us. And of course I had to take a few shots of them because they are my favorite models.
I've entered a photo of Kelly and Ryan for the weekly photo contest at
iheartfaces! Check them out.
All of us :)